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Jan van Dijk Microsoft Business
Software Specialist
Jan van Dijk


TV Production Company ensures there are no accounting nightmares by implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

The Business Need/Challenge

Optomen were experiencing rapid growth and their existing financial solutions were unable to meet their growing demands. They needed software that could handle an increased level of transactions and provide them with the in-depth reporting required to better understand their financial performance. TV production companies have to work to tight deadlines, which meant that there was a need to control costs and report more effectively.

The Solution

Optomen recognised the shortfalls in their financial reporting and made the decision to invest in new business management software to provide them with more effective reporting and accurate financial records. They reviewed several systems and vendors before deciding on Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Creative Business Solutions. The two companies have been working together now since 1996 and, over that time, they have adapted the software to cater for Optomen’s unique requirements. The new software gives Optomen more control over their accounts, projects and reporting.

In addition to this, Creative Business Solutions also developed an excel document that pulls costs from NAV into a spreadsheet to allow for better control of the production costs.

The project was deployed using Microsoft Dynamics NAV and .NET web service technology to integrate external-facing users. NAV allows external-facing users to view and manage personal documents remotely. These documents then proceed through an advanced workflow-driven approval process and adhere to procurement-approach form questionnaires that are defined by the users. This means that NAV is extended to a large user community through standardised Microsoft technology, bringing it in line with the self-service objectives set out by the government.

The Benefits

Logo Optomen


Oplossing Industie

Small (50 - 199 employees)

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